"I didn’t expect a kind of Spamish Inquisition."
NOBODY expects the Spamish Inquisition. Well, not THE Nobody from film and rigor’s forum; as she totally expects this type of taunting. No, in general, as in not your typical person… anyway, Nobody expects the Spamish Inquisition!! Our chief weapon is surprise! Surprise and fear! Glorious fear! (along with much sillyness) Ahhhh, so, you have committed heresy against Hormel and the glorious world that is Spam, and yet you plead innocent? Are you mad? Are you frothing at the mouth? No? Good, because if you were, things would be very different. So, you dare deny the charge of heresy against the Spamish Inquisition?? Ha! Ha! Ha! And again! Ha! Firstly, Cardinal Zuel! Get the uncooked spagetti! You shall be poked with the uncooked spagetti until you give us the truth swine bottom!
(pic of you with uncooked spagetti strand...just one though, not the whole box)
However, if you are stronger than the uncooked spagetti, I will place you… on… THE RACK! And you shall plead for mercy as I give the rack… a…... turn... Well, I’ll think of something you heretic dog!
(pic of me with the rack of ribs)
We still have… the ABBA records in Swedish!
(We got a pic of this? If not, I know how we can get one. believe it or not d, i don't have a pic of abba in swedish but GOD the torture!)
(any other tortures you can think of? an inflatable pool filled with hungry minnows comes to mind)
Now, confess. Confess. Confess! CONFESS! CONFESS!!!!!
I confess! Not the pool Cardinal D!!! Anything but that!!
Not you Cardinal Zuel!